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Joseph YT WOO's 28 Hymns for Original &Translation

Thanks to Betty KL Woo for compiling the music note, Peter YP for playing the music for Joseph.  Also, thanks to other Brothers and Sisters for translating the music note into Chinese. Music will be updated once it is available.






Music &








1c. abide-c 與我同在
1e. abide-eOriginal
2c. cleanheart-c 清潔的心
2e. cleanheart-eOriginal
3c. come-c 進來,請進來
3e. come-eOriginal
4c. confidence-c 信 託
4e. confidence-eOriginal
5c. doers-c 要作行主道的人
5e. doers-eOriginal
6c. drawnear-c 求你就近我們
6e. drawnear-eOriginal
7c. face-c 求顯你臉
7e. face-eOriginal
8c. facethelight-c 面向光
8e. facethelight-eOriginal
9c. hark-c 聽啊!他在呼喚我
9e. hark-eOriginal
10c. hisway-c 讓他隨己意待你
10e. hisway-eOriginal
11c. icometothee-c 主,我到你面前
11e. icometothee-eOriginal
12c. jabbok-c 雅博渡口
12e. jabbok-eOriginal
13c. lead-c 求你領我回家
13e. lead-eEnglishOriginal (chorus modified by Joseph Woo)
13e. leadOriginal
14c. lord-c 永存的主
14e. lord-eOriginal

mm P1 P1 P2 P2 P3 P3 P4 P4 P5 P5 P6 P6 P7 P7 P8 P8 P9 P9 P10 P10 P11 P11 P12 P12 P13 P13 P13 P14 P14
mm P15 P15 P16 P16 P17 P17 P18 P18 P19 P19 P20 P20 P21 P21 P21 P22 P22 P23 P23 P24 P24 P25 P25 P26 P26 P27 P27 P28 P28

15c. lovedme-c 我想到主如何愛我
15e. lovedme-eOriginal
16c. meet-c 你要來到十架下
16e. meet-eOriginal
17c. notdreaming-c 我不是做夢
17e. notdreaming-eOriginal
18c. notears-c 全無眼淚
18e. notears-eOriginal
19c. noti-c 是主不是我
19e. noti-eOriginal
20c. ocome-c 我主我神來吧
20e. ocome-eOriginal
21c. olove-c1 哦主你愛不讓我離去
21c2. olove-c2 奉獻福樂歌
21e. olove-eOriginal O Love, That Wilt Not Let Me Go
22c. open-c 求開我靈
22e. open-eOriginal
23c. promised-c 哦耶穌,我曾應許
23e. promised-eOriginal
24c. rest-c 安息
24e. rest-eOriginal
25c. speakmylord-c 主,請說
25e. speakmylord-eOriginal
26c. sunshine-c 只不過一線陽光
26e. sunshine-eOriginal
27c. survey-c 當我想到奇妙十架
27e. survey-eOriginal
28c. task-c 那未完成的使命
28e. task-eOriginal

Other Translators:

Chinese Translation:
threads-c 收拾你的餘生殘線
olove-c 哦主你愛不讓我離去 (奉獻福樂歌) same melody 21c and 21c2
soon-c 還有

mmm mmm by P, S & B Peter1 Stephen1 Betty1

English Original:

Newman Doo

D1c. beulah-c今我居榮美福地

D2c. everlasting-c你是那永遠的道
D3c. lamb-c神的羔羊我們敬拜你
D4c. praise-c我歌頌榮耀的主
D5c. present-c主耶穌我知你同在
D6c. send-c照樣差你
D7c. sonofgod-c神的兒子
D8c. worship-c我敬拜你,榮耀的主


D1e. beulah-eNewman
D1o. beulahOriginal
D2e. everlasting-eOriginal
D3e. lamb-eOriginal
D4e. praise-eOriginal
D5e. present-eOriginal
D6e. send-eOriginal
D7e. sonofgod-eOriginal
D8e. worship-eOriginal

Chor Ho Mak

Mak1c. ivory-c象牙宮
Mak2c. mighty-c神的大愛


Mak1e. ivory-eOriginal
Mak2e. mighty-eOriginal

King Fai Lau

Lau1c. hark-c聽啊!他在喊我名
Lau2c. lovedme當我想到耶穌愛我
Lau3c. nazareth拿撒勒的耶穌
Lau4c. notdreaming-c我非作夢
Lau5c. threads-c絕望的人肝腸寸斷


Lau1e. hark-eOriginal
Lau2e. lovedme-eOriginal
Lau3e. nazareth-eOriginal
Lau4e. notdreaming-eOriginal
Lau5e. threads-eOriginal

Terence Lau

T1c. Beneath the cross of Jesus 在主十架清影下


T1e. Beneath the cross of Jesus

Unknown Translators

U1c. feet-c在主腳前
U2c. hisface-c仰望他臉
U3c. hope-c千古盼望
U4c. matter-c這些能算什麼?
U5c. more-c遠超你心所能想
D6c. speak-c主!請向我心說話


U1e. feet-eOriginal
U2e. hisface-eOriginal
U3e. hope-eOriginal
U4e. matter-eOriginal
D5e. more-eOriginal
D6e. speak-eOriginal

Original Hymn Tune

Or1. closetome與我親近
Or2. fervent1verse1-5
Or3. fervent2verse6
Or4. forsake我寧可捨世界
Or5b. jabbok-eOriginal
Or5. jabbok-c雅博渡口
Or5m. PeterMusic


Or6c. lord-cOldChinese
Or6e. lord-eJoseph
Or6m. PeterMusic
Or8J. pathJoseph
Or8S. path (music by Stephen)
Or9c. task-c那未完成的使命
Or9e. task-eOriginal


H1c. abide-c
H2e. emmanuel-eOriginal
H3e. live-eOriginal
H4e. survey-eOriginal


H1m. Music by Joseph
H2m. Music by
H3m. Music by
H4m. Music by Joseph

Anna Lau

A1c. raise-c耶穌,提我近你懷

music by Peter2

A1e. raise-eJoseph
A1o. raise-eOriginal

Christian Sit

C1c. notdespairingly-c不再是

music by

C1e. notdespairingly-eOriginal

Deborah Lau

Deb1c. power十架的大能

Deb2c. wonderful奇妙的慈愛的救主
Deb3c. word只不過一句話

music by mmmmm mmmm mmmm Peter3

Deb1e. powerThe Power of the Cross (harmonized by Joseph)
Deb1o. powerOriginal
Deb2e. wonderfulOriginal
Deb3e. wordOriginal


A1 earnest
A2 Chinese Christian Mission 中國信徒佈道會─《傳》雙月刊(繁)_ 數代蒙恩/胡蔭亭
A3 YTWooOnMath
A4 will be posted once received from members
A5 will be posted once received from memnbers


B1 ChiLinguistic_Intro
will be posted once received from members
will be posted once received from members


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